According to the fountain of knowledge that is Wikipedia, a VJ is a "performance artist who creates moving visual art (often video) on large displays or screens". This author had never encountered a VJ before Rockness, I was in for a pleasant surprise!
Eclectic Method are a trio of VJs from London, they have been hailed as
"the future of nightclub entertainment" and their take on mixing live video with audio can create an overwhelming nightclub experience. They mix music videos, films and TV show clips into their live sets, laying down an epic audio-visual feast for the senses.
Playing in the Southern Comfort tent at Rockness just before Mylo, the eclectically dressed trio remixed Run DMC into Britney Spears, with some Michael Jackson and electro anthems dropped in for good measure. The visual aspects of their set were
refreshing and entrancing, providing something totally different to the rest of the festival. Other DJs had visual effects or video playing as part of their set, but none of them mixed live video with the style and finesse of Eclectic Method. The atmosphere in the tent was amazing and with a mixture of eclectic underground songs and unconventional methodical mixing, they held true to their name.
They are
pioneering the art of the VJ and firmly establishing themselves in the field, being called upon by musicians such as Fatboy Slim and U2 to produce audio-visual remixes. With clubs such as the Minstry of Sound in London kitting it self out with high end VJ and visual projection equipment, Eclectic Method will be ready and waiting for when every club embraces the VJ.